World Lizard Day 2023: History, Significance, and 5 Common Misconceptions About Lizards – News18

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Curated By: Nibandh Vinod

Last Updated: August 14, 2023, 06:30 IST

World Lizard Day 2023: Lizards are one of the most diverse groups of reptiles, with over 6,000 species. (Image: Shutterstock)

World Lizard Day 2023: Celebrated annually on August 14, the day also celebrates the diversity and importance of lizards in the world.

WORLD LIZARD DAY 2023: World Lizard Day is a special day that celebrates the amazing diversity and beauty of lizards, as well as their important roles in nature and culture. Celebrated annually on August 14, the day also celebrates the diversity and importance of lizards in the world. Lizards are one of the most diverse groups of reptiles, with over 6,000 species. They play an important role in the ecosystem by controlling insect populations and helping to disperse seeds.


The history of the day is not very clear, but it seems to have started as a local initiative by schools, parks, and reptile enthusiasts who wanted to share their passion and knowledge about these fascinating animals. It is not officially recognized by any major conservation organization, but it is still a great opportunity to raise awareness and appreciation for lizards and their conservation needs.


  1. Ecological Balance
    Lizards are essential components of various ecosystems as predators of insects and other small creatures. They help control pest populations, maintaining a balance within the food web.
  2. Biodiversity Indicators
    The presence or absence of certain lizard species can indicate the health and diversity of ecosystems. Their sensitivity to environmental changes makes them valuable indicators of ecosystem health.
  3. Research Subjects
    Lizards have contributed significantly to scientific research, providing insights into areas such as evolution, behaviour, ecology, and physiology.

However, there are also some common misconceptions about lizards that may affect how people perceive and treat them. Here are some of them:


  1. Lizards are cold-blooded and have no emotions
    This is not true, as lizards are ectothermic, meaning they regulate their body temperature by using external sources of heat, such as the sun or a warm rock. This helps them conserve energy and survive in different environments. Lizards also have emotions, such as fear, anger, curiosity, and even affection. They can recognize their owners, show preferences for certain foods or hiding spots, and display social behaviours with other lizards.
  2. Lizards can regenerate any part of their body
    This is a myth, as lizards can only regenerate their tails, and not all species can do that. The ability to detach and regrow their tails is a defense mechanism that helps them escape from predators. However, the new tail is usually shorter, thinner, and less functional than the original one. Regenerating a tail also takes a lot of energy and resources from the lizard’s body.
  3. Lizards are just snakes with legs
    This is a false statement, as lizards and snakes are different animal groups with distinct features and evolutionary histories. Lizards have eyelids, external ears, and movable jaws, while snakes lack these traits. Lizards also have limbs, claws, and scales that are different from snakes’. Lizards and snakes diverged from a common ancestor about 200 million years ago and have evolved independently since then.
  4. Lizards make good pets for anyone
    This is a misconception, as lizards are exotic animals that require specific care and conditions to thrive in captivity. Lizards need adequate space, lighting, heating, humidity, diet, and enrichment to stay healthy and happy. They also have different personalities and temperaments that may not suit everyone’s preferences or expectations. Some lizards can be aggressive, territorial, or shy, while others can be friendly, curious, or docile. Lizards are not toys or accessories; they are living beings that deserve respect and responsibility.
  5. Lizards carry diseases and pests that can harm humans
    This is an exaggeration, as lizards are generally harmless and beneficial to humans. Lizards can help control insect populations by eating mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, and other pests. They can also act as indicators of environmental health by reflecting the quality of their habitats. Lizards do carry some parasites and bacteria that can cause infections or allergies in humans, but these are rare and preventable with proper hygiene and handling.

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