Why Are Knowledge and Learning Podcasts Increasingly Popular Among Netizens? – News18

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Listeners choosing to dive into subjects such as self-help, history, personal finance, and new language skills.

The creation of educational content has led to a steady consumption of knowledge and learning centric podcasts

How often do you think of upskilling? In this time-deficit world, podcasts have emerged as one of the most accessible formats of knowledge sharing, in turn, providing listeners with digestible content on the go, even while multitasking.

The creation of educational content has led to a steady consumption of knowledge and learning centric podcasts on Spotify, with listeners choosing to dive into subjects such as self-help, history, personal finance, and new language skills.

As of January 2023, over 50% of the consumption of podcasts created through Spotify for Podcasters (S4P), previously known as Anchor, came from knowledge and learning titles, followed by comedy, at just over 15%.

In fact, even at the conclusion of phase one of LevelUp, a creator program designed to support S4P creators to reach a wider audience through editorial and marketing support, the firm noticed over 50% of creators who participated created content for the knowledge and learning genre.

Dhruvank Vaidya, Head of Podcasts – India, Spotify, says, “Podcasts serve as a learning tool for many listeners. They tune in to learn something new, ranging from personal finance and history, to self-help, language skills, and test prep. Podcasts give users the space to go deeper into topics, hear from experts, and up their knowledge on topics that interest them. We have seen a steady growth in consumption of knowledge and learning centric podcasts on Spotify, through our creator-centric programs such as LevelUp, as well as titles created through Spotify for Podcasters (S4P). In fact, knowledge podcasts made using S4P account for over 50% of consumption, as of January 2023.”

The top playlists on Spotify, are Learn in 10 Minutes and Life Lessons from Inspiring People, do explore some of the most popular podcasts in the genre.

Pritish Sanyal, Podcast, The One Percent Project- Entrepreneurship, Leadership & Resilience, says, “With a decade in start-ups and venture capital, I’ve encountered inspiring founders, investors, and operators. Their stories reveal resilience amidst rejection and challenges. The One Percent Project delves into the ideas and insights of these innovative minds, pushing boundaries to create a meaningful impact. The show helps young entrepreneurs learn to think in first principles, navigate through uncertainty, and stay resilient.

Recently, the show was selected for the first Spotify LevelUp programme cohort. The programme has been a game changer for me and all the creators who participated in the programme. It enhanced our creator network, provided technical insights, and helped us grow the show.”

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