Relationship Tips: These 5 Easy Steps Can Help You Solve Fights With Your Spouse

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Fights in marriage are normal and healthy, as long as they are handled correctly. (Image: Shutterstock)

A strong and healthy marriage requires effort and commitment from both partners, and working through conflicts together can bring you closer to each other

Marriage is a complicated journey for some and for some, it is a smooth ride. Above all, it is a partnership which involves two people coming together. And hence, just like any other partnerships, disagreements and difference of opinions are bound to arise. When two people with different personalities, beliefs, and preferences come together, it is natural for conflicts to happen. However, fights in marriage can be healthy and productive if they are handled correctly. Here are five steps to solve fights in marriage and strengthen your relationship.

  • Take a break
    When emotions are high, it is easy to say or do things that you generally don’t mean. Taking a break from the situation can give both parties time to cool down and reflect on what is happening later. It’s essential to communicate that you need some time to process your thoughts and emotions and agree on a time to come back and take the conversation ahead.
  • Listen actively
    As much as you would like to express yourself or your emotions through words, it’s also crucial to listen actively. Active listening means paying full attention to what your partner is saying and trying to understand their perspective, rather than just waiting for your turn to speak. Validate their feelings and show empathy by acknowledging their point of view.
  • Communicate properly effectively
    Effective communication is key when it comes to solving fights in marriage or any relationship. Express yourself properly but do it in a calm and sound manner. Use a lot more of ‘I’ statements instead of ‘you’ statements in your argument or discussion. Mainly, focus on the issue at hand and avoid bringing up past conflicts or irrelevant topics.
  • Find a solution or compromise
    Finding a compromise is essential to resolve conflicts in a relationship and especially marriage. Both partners need to be willing to compromise and find a solution that works for both of them. Discuss and brainstorm possible solutions and discuss the pros and cons of each one. Keep an open mind and be willing to let go of some things and majorly your ego to reach a compromise.
  • Forgive and move on
    Once a solution or a compromise is reached, it’s important to forgive each other and move ahead in your life and relationship. Holding grudges and bringing up past conflicts will only damage the relationship further. Instead, focus on the present and the future and work together to strengthen your bond and relationship.

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