‘From India To Your Heart’: National Mango Day 2023 Celebrates King Of Fruits – News18

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Mango is considered the king of fruits.

National Mango Day is a joyful celebration that brings mango lovers from all over India together to enjoy delicious and healthy fruit.

The much-awaited National Mango Day is here, and the nation is abuzz with excitement as mango lovers come together to celebrate their favourite fruit. Known as the “king of fruits,” mangoes have captured the hearts and taste buds of millions, earning a special place in Indian culture and cuisine.

A Historic Celebration: The origins of National Mango Day can be traced back to 1987 when the National Horticulture Board of India conceptualized an International Mango Celebration. Over the years, this festival has grown into a joyous occasion that brings together mango enthusiasts from all corners of the country. With bustling mango markets, vibrant festivities, and an array of delicious mango treats, the celebration truly resembles a mango lover’s paradise.

The Journey of Mangoes: The term “Mango” finds its roots in the Malayalam word “Manna,” and these luscious fruits have a rich history dating back an astonishing 5,000 years. Mangoes are deeply ingrained in Indian folklore and traditions, symbolizing love and friendship. Interestingly, mangoes have not only tantalized our taste buds but have also played a significant role in traditional medicine. Various parts of the mango tree, including leaves, bark, skin, pit, and flesh, have been utilized in healing remedies for centuries.

Health Benefits of Mangoes: Apart from their heavenly taste, mangoes offer a plethora of health benefits. These golden delights are brimming with essential vitamins and minerals, including immune-boosting Vitamin C, eye and organ-nourishing Vitamin A, Vitamin E, potassium, and folate, all of which contribute to overall well-being.

Antioxidant Powerhouses: Mangoes also pack a punch as superhuman compounds, with polyphenols and carotenoids acting as powerful antioxidants. These compounds shield the body from harmful free radicals and reduce inflammation, potentially lowering the risk of severe ailments such as cancer and heart disease.

Aiding Digestion and Weight Management: In addition to their nutritional prowess, mangoes are great for digestive health due to their high fibre content. These fibres keep the bowels happy, prevent constipation, and promote gut health. Moreover, mangoes contain enzymes like amylases, which facilitate proper carbohydrate breakdown. Surprisingly, despite their natural sweetness, mangoes are not excessively high in calories like sugary snacks. Their fibre content helps induce a feeling of fullness, curbing unhealthy snacking between meals, making them a perfect addition to a weight-conscious diet.

Celebrate in Style: As the nation commemorates National Mango Day, citizens are encouraged to indulge in a wide array of mouthwatering mango delicacies, including fresh cuts, mango salsa, smoothies, lassi, and yoghurt. This is also an opportunity to learn about different mango varieties, their growth process, and their cultural significance.

Gratitude to Local Farmers: In the spirit of the celebration, citizens are encouraged to support local farmers by purchasing mangoes from nearby sources that follow sustainable practices, fostering a sense of community and environmental responsibility.

A Symbol of Togetherness: National Mango Day reminds us of the camaraderie shared over this beloved fruit. Mangoes not only bring friends and family together but also bridge gaps, making the celebration an embodiment of unity and joy.

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